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Zuckerberg Made 40,000 Crores in one day

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   29 Jan 2016 4:57 PM GMT
Zuckerberg Made 40,000 Crores in one day
Social Media giant Facebook's co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has created an all time record by earning 40,000 crores ($6 billion) in a single day. Facebook reported a 52% rise in fourth-quarter sales yesterday and it made Mark as the sixth wealthiest person in the world

The company reported sales and profits yesterday and due to that the company's stock soared 13% and the increase made Mark richer by $6 billion in one day. Mark earnings are now worth $47.5 billion (3.22 lakhs crores).

The other five people wealthier than Zuckerberg are :

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates $78 billion

Zara founder Amancio Ortega ($69.7 billion)

The Oracle of Omaha Warren Buffett ($59.4 billion)

Amazon founder & CEO Jeff Bezos ($55.8 billion)

Telecom magnate Carlos Slim Helu ($47.5 billion).