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Do You Know What Is A White Paper?

Having said that the leaders will explain the development or crisis, financial irregularities and debts in these departments in the last term.

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   28 Jun 2024 2:07 PM GMT
Do You Know What Is A White Paper?

The alliance government in Andhra Pradesh is gearing up to release the white papers. TDP and Janasena leaders alleged that in the previous YCP government, many departments were dismantled, and financially the state is not in a good position. Having said that the leaders will explain the development or crisis, financial irregularities and debts in these departments in the last term.

What is a white paper? When did it start? What will be in it? These are the questions many have and people have a few doubts on this too. There is a popular example of White Collar job in society which is used to talk about jobs that need mental effort rather than physical effort. IAS, IPS, Software, and other jobs come under this. White collar job doesn’t mean everyone wears a white collar.

Talking about white paper, the concept goes back to the British Era. Though it is called a white paper the details in it would be different. The current government tries to talk about what the previous governments did. Usually, the white paper is announced in the Assembly. However, the governments started doing away with the concept as time passed. With this people almost forgot the term white paper.

Recently, the Chandrababu government said that a white paper will be released on as many as seven departments. The white paper is used to tell the actual status. The term was used largely during the British era. It was mentioned in the British Constitution too. It was a tradition to release the white paper whenever there were allegations against the government. Later it was used to highlight the wrongdoings of the former governments. The first white paper in India was released by the Simon Commission.