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Crucial Bill Tabled In US Congress To Support India!

It is known that India-China border issues have been a long-standing problem.

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   26 July 2024 6:21 AM GMT
Crucial Bill Tabled In US Congress To Support India!

India, a soft power giant is focusing more on straightening the ties with other nations and making new ties. We have seen this with the Russia-Ukraine war. When other nations pressured Russia on this India took a neutral stand. Understanding the importance of India, other countries are also making strategic moves.

In what could be a sensational move a bill was tabled in the US Congress which proposes standing in support of India and giving it the best treatment. On top of this, the bill also talks about the territorial integrity threat to India from the neighbors.

US Senator Marco Rubio tabled the bill which says that India should be treated on the same lines of Japan, Israel, Korea, and NATO allies as the top allies. He said that he tabled the bill to strengthen the partnership between the US and India. The Senator also highlighted that India is facing aggression from China as it wants to expand the domain.

The Senator also proposed that Pakistan should be barred from the security assistance if the country’s sponsorship to terror activities against India. The senator highlighted two major issues that are bothering India.

It is known that India-China border issues have been a long-standing problem. Dragon country China has been aggressive at the border of late and the Galwan clash is a major example. Both armies suffered casualties.

Talking about Pakistan, there are allegations that the terror outfits often trouble India. On many occasions, India accused Pakistan of these issues. This is the reason why the bilateral series between the two nations won't happen except for the ICC tournaments.

The Senator touched on the two points in his bill. Despite tabling the bill there is no assurance that the bill might be passed soon as the country will go to elections soon. Democrats and Republicans are locking horns with each other due to the elections and we cannot say whether the two sides would come together on the bill.

Even when Donald Trump was the President he tried to maintain good ties with India and Joe Biden did the same. Even if the government changes we can expect a good response on the bill. Let us wait and see.