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US Elections: Donald Trump’s Big Appeal To Christians!

US President candidate Donald Trump is not leaving any stone unturned in the campaign.

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   29 July 2024 5:33 AM GMT
US Elections: Donald Trump’s Big Appeal To Christians!

US President candidate Donald Trump is not leaving any stone unturned in the campaign. He is not leaving any issue as far as the campaign is concerned. Earlier he targeted Joe Biden and he is doing the same with Kamala Harris too. He wants to win the election this time.

In one of his addresses Donald Trump gave a big message to Christians and want them to vote for him. He also gave a reason behind making the appeal to his lovely christians.

The former President who is seeking another chance as the President addressed a gathering at the Florida Event. Addressing the event Donald Trump urged Christians to vote for him and they don't need to vote again.

Donald Trump said that if the Christians vote for him in the upcoming Presidential elections then they don't need to vote again as he would fix everything in the country in the next four years that they don't need to vote.

Flaunting his Religious identity Donald Trump said that he loves Christians and wants them to step out and vote so that they don't have to vote next time, media reports said

Probably for the first time a Presidential candidate is flaunting his identity and urging Christians to vote for him.

Political observers say that Donald Trump feels this is his best chance for the elections. Joe Biden stepped down from the race and Kamala Harris is the new candidate. Kamala Harris is gathering support from various corners and she might take some time to get strong.

Considering all the points Donald Trump might have given a call to Christians to vote for him this time. We have to see how his appeal would impact the US Presidential elections.