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The Fading American Dream: Challenges for Indian Students and Professionals

In the past, reaching America almost guaranteed a job.

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   4 Aug 2024 10:57 AM GMT
The Fading American Dream: Challenges for Indian Students and Professionals

In the past, reaching America almost guaranteed a job. Today, even those born and raised there struggle to find employment. Many who come from other countries in search of opportunities face significant challenges, even after completing their education. The number of people returning from America after studying is on the rise.

Every year, lakhs of Indian students go to America with the aim of settling there. However, the conditions are not as favorable as they once were. The unemployment rate in America has climbed to 4.3 percent, the highest since October 2021, and it has been steadily increasing for months. There are no signs of a job creation boom on the horizon.

Students planning to pursue an MS in America should think carefully before making their decision. Many who are already there and facing difficulties share their experiences on social media. Visa scams have become common, with some people exploiting the desperation of new arrivals. A recent scam involving NRI Kandi Srinivasa Reddy has made headlines, highlighting the growing number of such incidents.

The outlook for the next four years in America appears tough. For those truly focused on education, the journey may still be worthwhile. However, if the goal is to secure a job and settle down before completing studies, significant effort and a bit of luck will be required. Despite the challenges, America remains a land of hope for many Indians, with millions migrating every year.