Study Says Fathers With Daughters Have Long Lifespan!
A Latest study said that fathers of daughters have longer lives compared to others.
By: Tupaki Desk | 11 Oct 2023 8:22 AMThe bond between a father and daughter is magical. It's not like fathers and sons won't have a good bond, but the bond fathers have with daughters is different and special. We have seen this in many films and novels. Many say that daughters are very close to fathers compared to sons.
Now there is another reason that makes the father-daughter bond special. A Latest study said that fathers of daughters have longer lives compared to others. On average their life span increases by as many as six years. The study was made by a university after studying parents and kids.
Researchers from Jagiellonian University in Poland conducted a study to determine the impact of childbirth on fathers' health and longevity. For the study, the samples were taken from 4,310 individuals, including 2,147 mothers and 2,163 fathers.
It is said that the study was conducted to see if the kids had anything to do with the health and longevity of fathers. The study found that fathers having sons won't have any impact on the health of the fathers. The number of children they have also had no impact.
The only change that makes is having daughters. The study said that having daughters will increase the life span of fathers with every daughter, the span will increase by 74 weeks. If a father has more daughters, then his life will increase further.
However, the study said that having kids will harm mothers. The study found that a mother’s health and lifespan will be affected with kids no matter if they are sons or daughters.
The possible reason for this is, that mothers spend more time with kids from their birth like feeding and bathing. Till the kids start walking, mothers care for kids and this might be a reason for this. Some mothers are homemakers and they tend to deal with the chaos kids do.