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High-rise Stunt Artist Dies After Falling From 68th floor!

Superhero films are popular across the globe and fans love to watch the films

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   31 July 2023 10:22 AM GMT
High-rise Stunt Artist Dies After Falling From 68th floor!

Superhero films are popular across the globe and fans love to watch the films. We can see the characters in the films climbing tall buildings and pulling off stunts. People who perform such stunts in real life are also given superhero names. There is a man named Raj in India who is called Indian Spiderman and climbs big structures easily.

High-rise stunts are so popular and we can see many videos of artists doing that. Remi Lucidi, who is a popular High-rise stunt artist is known as a daredevil for the risky stunts he pulls off. He is just 30 years and enjoys a super following.

But tragedy hit French daredevil Remi Lucidi as he breathed his last after falling from the 68-story Tregunter Tower in Hong Kong. He died on the spot after falling from the tallest building. Daredevil almost reached the building's top.

Media reports say that, after reaching the penthouse on the top floor of the building, he was trapped outside the penthouse. To get help, he knocked on the window and lost his grip in the process. Unfortunately, he fell from the building and passed away.

It is said that Lucidi entered the building telling the security that his friend lives on the 40th floor and he wants to meet his friend. But the security guard faced a big shock when the person said that Lucuidi is not a friend. When the security guard tried to stop Lucidi, he was already in the lift. While Lucidi is said to have entered the building at 6 PM, he got trapped at the penthouse by 7:38 PM.