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How Much It Costs For A Children’s Education In India?

Family is a part and parcel of one's life and the family stands as a strong force behind one.

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   23 May 2024 12:01 PM GMT
How Much It Costs For A Children’s Education In India?

The family system here in India is different compared to the rest. Our dependency on families is high compared to people living in Western nations. Family is a part and parcel of one's life and the family stands as a strong force behind one.

However, the latest report of Edu Fund revealed shocking details about the spendings that go on a child till he or she completes the Degree. A family spends around Rs 75 lakhs on a child in this period.

From birth to completing a Degree it costs around Rs 75 lakhs. If the children opt for Medicine instead of a normal degree then the amount goes up to Rs 95 lakhs. In the case of abroad study then the amount goes beyond Rs 1.5 cr mark.

As a crackdown on the costs, the report gave the details of every expense that goes into raising the newborn into an adult like the delivery, vaccines, education expenses, and others.

On average it costs Rs 70k for a Cesarean operation and the vaccine costs around Rs 50,000 including medical expenses.

The school fees till UKG are Rs 4 lakhs. On the other hand, it costs around Rs 15 lakhs from Class one to eight. It costs Rs 6 lakhs for 9th and 10th. While Intermediate costs Rs 8 lakhs it takes around Rs 10 lakhs for Degree and Engineering. It costs Rs 30 lakhs for clothes, food, tours, medical and other expenses for 18 years. In total it costs Rs 75 lakhs.

While the amount mentioned by the report is high it is also indirectly proportional to the dip in the child birth rate. The majority of people are said to be staying away from kids as they fear the costs that come with kids. There are other reasons like lifestyle and other habits, but the growing cost is dubbed as the main reason.