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No Love, No Sex Only Wife And Husband: New Trend In Japan!

A new relationship trend is being followed in Japan which not only sounds different, but it is also tough to understand

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   11 May 2024 6:10 AM GMT
No Love, No Sex Only Wife And Husband: New Trend In Japan!

A new relationship trend is being followed in Japan which not only sounds different, but it is also tough to understand. They will be partners as spouses but there would be no aspects that come with a marriage. Couples will be wives and husbands. They will have kids as well. What is this? There is marriage? But there is no love? There is sex and kids? They will be as wives and husbands? These are the questions many have after hearing about the trend?

“Friendship Marriage” is the answer to the question of what is the new relationship trend. The term might appear normal but there are a few complexities in this. Keeping this in simple terms, the relationship helps in experiencing marriage. There will be a wife and there will be a husband. There will be nothing more in the relationship. No questions are asked and no doubts will be raised. They can live freely and their freedom would be respected.

If everything goes well and the couples want to have kids, then they will welcome kids in artificial ways. But they won’t get physical. In simple ways, we have a TV, Fridge, AC, and Car in our house and we have a bond with them. But there will be no relationship. The relationship appears similar.

The relationship talks about two people with the same mindset living together, friendly without love and having a sexual relationship. As per the law, they will be as couples. They talk about the relationship they have openly and get married with mutual consent. There is another relationship as well. They stay together as long as the terms between them are good. If any issues arise they would go for divorce.

The observers say that those who have no interest in traditional marriage and marriage institutions are opting for the new trend. The trend is getting all the attention with a firm named Colorus talking about it. The firm said that around 500 people opted for such marriages. It is also said that Japan’s population is around 12 cr and around one percent population which translates to 12 lakhs are living in a relationship. This generation of youth is walking towards friendship and marriage. Keeping Japan aside, it has become almost tough to understand the trend for others.