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AP’s Son-In-Law Is Trump’s Vice-President Nominee!

The whole world is looking at the Presidential elections in the United States.

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   16 July 2024 7:14 AM GMT
AP’s Son-In-Law Is Trump’s Vice-President Nominee!

The whole world is looking at the Presidential elections in the United States. Making the episode interesting, there has been a mention of India. Serving Vice President Kamala Harris is of Indian origin. Amid this, the Republican party’s Presidential candidate Donald Trump made a big announcement. He announced J.D. Vance as the Vice President candidate. The interesting thing is that his wife is a Telugu girl. She hails from Andhra Pradesh and her name is Usha Chilukuri. Her parents were from Andhra Pradesh and settled in San Diego in America.

She and the Republican party’s Vice President candidate J. D. Vance had a love marriage. At the party’s National convention on Monday midnight as per the Indian timing Donald Trump was nominated as the candidate by the representatives. Later he announced Ohio senator J. D. Vance as the Vice-president candidate. He served in the Marine Corps and went to Ohio State University and Yale Law School. He was the editor of Yale Law Journal.

Talking about his wife Usha Chilukuri, her parents went to America from India. She has a Bachelor's Degree in History from Yale University. She went to Cambridge for her master's in Philosophy.

She has the experience of working in departments related to law. She was born and raised in San Diego. She worked as the Managing Director of the Law and Tech Journal at Yale University and executive development editor of Yale Law Journal.

She had active participation in many events held at the University. She went to Cambridge as a Gates Fellow. She worked with the left-wing and liberal groups there. Interestingly she enrolled her name as a Democratic party activist. She met J. D. Vance for the first time at the Yale Law School. Their relationship turned into love later. The two tied the knot in 2014. Their marriage was held as per the Hindu traditions.

The couple has three children. Usha is credited for having a key role in her husband’s success. It is said that she stood by her husband in many issues. When he stood as Ohio senator Usha had an active participation in the campaign. She was even effective in hitting back at the criticism aimed at her husband. J. D. Vance also credits his wife for a major role in his success. In an interview last month, she said that there was confusion over his husband’s candidacy. Since 2015 she has been working as a Corporate Litigator in various firms. She has the experience of working under former Supreme Court judges Justice John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh.

Her husband was elected to the American Senate at the age of 39. Interestingly he earlier criticized the policies of Donald Trump. Now he is the Vice President candidate while Donald Trump is the President candidate. The predictions say that things might work for Republicans in elections as there is a big sympathy for Donald Trump due to the attack. Now people are saying that the son-in-law of the Telugu house might become the Vice-President of the United States.