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EVM Destroying Row: MLA Pinnelli Moves High Court!

The sitting MLA hit the headlines for the wrong reason as a few videos went viral which said he destroyed an EVM at a polling booth.

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   23 May 2024 12:43 PM GMT
EVM Destroying Row: MLA Pinnelli Moves High Court!

If you are someone who follows Andhra Pradesh politics, then you need no introduction to this YCP MLA who has been getting all the attention for the past few days. The reason is not what anyone likes. The EVM destroying row landed him in a big row.

We are talking about Pinnelli Ramakrishna Reddy here. The sitting MLA hit the headlines for the wrong reason as a few videos went viral which said he destroyed an EVM at a polling booth. The Police are after him and a search is on to nab him.

Amid this, the MLA gave another twist to the tale and moved the High Court. He knocked on the doors of the High Court seeking an anticipatory bail in the case.

The High Court said yes to the hearing and the court will hear the lunch motion petition. Now all eyes are on the Court to see what verdict it would give in the case.

On one hand, the Andhra Pradesh Election Commission is serious about the issue and wants to arrest him. A few teams are working hard on this. On the other hand, the MLA knocked on the doors of the High Court.

This is not the only petition in the issue. A few other petitions were also filed in the High Court on the issue. All these issues are keeping the flame burning in the much-talked-about issue.

On the other hand, Macharla is on high alert. TDP leaders gave a call to Chalo Macharla. The cops swung into action in this and placed a few leaders under house arrest already. We might get clarity on the court verdict soon.