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Who Is The US Woman Who Has Guinness Record For Nails?

It not only highlights the special things but also honors the people who hold the record.

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   25 May 2024 1:01 PM GMT
Who Is The US Woman Who Has Guinness Record For Nails?

Everyone knows Guinness World Records which is a reference book to list all the special things in the world. It not only highlights the special things but also honors the people who hold the record. Those who get the record will get famous. It can be anything that the reference book approves.

Nails are very helpful to us as they protect the tips of our fingers. Growing nails more than it requires is risky as dirt and criteria get stored which goes into the body while having food. This is the reason why parents ask children to cut their nails regularly.

But a woman caught the world’s attention as she has the longest nails in the world. Yes, you heard it right. The woman has been growing her nails for over two decades and the length of the nails is 1,306.58 cm.

We are talking about Diana Armstrong who is from the United States. The woman made the world look at her with the Guinness World Record for the longest fingernails for a woman on the earth. She has been growing her nails for 25 years and the length of the nails is 1,306.58 cm (42 ft 10.4 in).

If we keep the nails of her both hands together then the length will be more than a yellow school bus. This speaks volumes about the massive length of the nails of the American woman.

“Diana Armstrong from Minnesota, USA, holds the record for the longest fingernails on a pair of hands (female) and the longest fingernails on a pair of hands ever (female),” the Guinness World Record said on social media.