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Who after Narendra Modi: India Today survey throws up three names

Union Home Minister Amit Shah and UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath for the top post.

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   25 Aug 2023 11:30 AM GMT
Who after Narendra Modi: India Today survey throws up three names

Who after Narendra Modi? This question is already beginning to seize the BJP leaders and cadres alike. By 2025 September, Modi would be 75. Normally, the BJP retires any politician when he crosses 75. This formula applied to everyone from Advani to Subramanyam Swamy. So, who will become the prime minister after Narendra Modi.

If the 'Mood of the Nation' survey conducted jointly by the India Today and C Voter, is any indication, there would be tough contest between Union Home Minister Amit Shah and UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath for the top post. According to the survey, 29 per cent of the respondents have rooted for Amit Shah as the next prime minister.

The survey says that 26 per cent of the respondents have voted for Yogi Adityanath. Yogi is the two-time chief minister of the largest state of the country that sends as many as 80 MPs to the Lok Sabha. He is also a four-time MP. He is young and at least 26 per cent of the respondents felt that Yogi should become the PM.

Union surface transport minister Nitin Gadkari comes third in the survey. He has the support of 15 per cent of the respondents. Nitin Gadkari has a squeaky-clean image and is known to be a go-getter. He has worked hard to improve the road transport system in the country. But he is a ditant third, according to the survey.