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Coca-Cola Halts Ads On Facebook For 30 Days

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   27 Jun 2020 9:39 AM GMT
Coca-Cola Halts Ads On Facebook For 30 Days
American multinational beverage corporation Coca-Cola issued ana official statement which states that the soda giant will suspend all the advertisements on social media for not less than 30 days.

Chairman and CEO of Coca-Cola Company, James Quincey said that the company took this call against hateful information and racism.

The beverage giant maintained that they are just going ahead with the suspension of they didn't join the #StopHateForProfit. The movement kickstarted after Facebook failed to remove a post made by US President on George Floyd incident.

He went on to say that there is no place for racism in the world as well as social media. The company will use the 30 days' time to reassess the advertising policies to check if there is any need to revise them.

The movement was started by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), which urged the top companies and firms to stop advertisements on Facebook by using the hashtag #StopHateForProfit.