Prominent Personalities like Bala Subrahmanyam, Murali Mohan and Garikapati Narasimha Rao found fault with the dressing of younger generation, particularly Actresses who attend public events.
Naga Babu responded in a harsh manner over the preaching to Women on what they should wear and what they shouldn't prefer. In his latest interview, Mega Brother answered why he reacted in that way: 'Instead of treating Women with respect, They were insulted publicly in this manner. How could anybody justify saying a heroine/woman shouldn't wear certain outfits? Just because an Actress wear revealing clothes doesn't mean that she will trap producers and heroes for characters. Nobody have the right to comment on Woman's's a personal choice'.
The Senior Actor didn't hesitate to say India is a country where women aren't respected. 'Are women roaming naked? Does only men have the right to wear whatever they want? I am a son to Mother, Brother to Sisters, Husband to my wife and Father to a daughter...That is why I responded in a hard-hitting manner,' he maintained.
Naga Babu responded in a harsh manner over the preaching to Women on what they should wear and what they shouldn't prefer. In his latest interview, Mega Brother answered why he reacted in that way: 'Instead of treating Women with respect, They were insulted publicly in this manner. How could anybody justify saying a heroine/woman shouldn't wear certain outfits? Just because an Actress wear revealing clothes doesn't mean that she will trap producers and heroes for characters. Nobody have the right to comment on Woman's's a personal choice'.
The Senior Actor didn't hesitate to say India is a country where women aren't respected. 'Are women roaming naked? Does only men have the right to wear whatever they want? I am a son to Mother, Brother to Sisters, Husband to my wife and Father to a daughter...That is why I responded in a hard-hitting manner,' he maintained.