Vijay Deverakonda's latest release Arjun Reddy created a sensation at the box office and became a blockbuster. The movie brought fortunes for the makers and became the hot topic in Tollywood for some time. The overall collections of the movie till now grossed Rs. 50 crores. So many filmmakers from other languages are approaching the team for remake rights.
Tamil hero Vikram announced that he is doing the Tamil remake of the movie titled as 'Varma' will mark the Kollywood debut of his son Dhruv. Acclaimed director Bala is helming this project.
The title of the movie is creating a sensation as it matches with suffix of director Ram Gopal Varma's name. RGV after watching Arjun Reddy showered appreciation on the team especially on Vijay Deverakonda. The Tamil audience initially expected that the title is going to be Chiyaan as the movie is close to Vikram's debut movie Sethu. But the makers announced the title as 'Varma'.
Tamil hero Vikram announced that he is doing the Tamil remake of the movie titled as 'Varma' will mark the Kollywood debut of his son Dhruv. Acclaimed director Bala is helming this project.
The title of the movie is creating a sensation as it matches with suffix of director Ram Gopal Varma's name. RGV after watching Arjun Reddy showered appreciation on the team especially on Vijay Deverakonda. The Tamil audience initially expected that the title is going to be Chiyaan as the movie is close to Vikram's debut movie Sethu. But the makers announced the title as 'Varma'.