Movie Review : Brochevarevarura

Update: 2019-06-28 12:42 GMT
Movie Review : Brochevarevarura
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Movie Review: Brochevarevarura

Cast:rn Sri Vishnu, Nivetha Thomas, Priyadarsi, Rahul Ramakrishna, Nivetha rnPethuraj, Satyadev, Shivaji Raja, Jhansi, Ajay Ghosh, Harshavardhan, rnBittiri Satti and Others.

Music: Vivek Sagar

Cinematography: Sai Sriram

Editing: Raviteja Girajala

Producer: Vijay Kumar Manyam

Presenter: Suresh Productions

Story, Screenplay & Direction:
Vivek Athreya

Release Date: June 28th, 2019

Vivekrn Sagar proved his mettle as a Director with 'Mental Madhilo'. He is backrn this time with 'Brochevarevarura'. From the launch of Teaser, Makers rncreated an impression that it's going to be a unique film. Casting of rnSri Vishnu, Priyadarshi and Rahul Ramakrishna raised the expectations onrn the movie. Whether if this Crime Comedy hit the bull's eye?


Vishalrn (Satyadev), an aspiring Director, gets the opportunity to narrate a rnstory to Star Heroine Shalini (Nivetha Pethuraj). Here is the rnstory...Mithra (Nivetha Thomas) is a trained dancer who doesn't have anyrn personal attachment with her Father who happens to be the Principal of rnthe College. Rahul (Sri Vishnu) is the gang leader of R3 Batch in the rncollege. Rocky (Priyadarshi) and Rambo (Rahul Ramakrishna) are his closern buddies. Love blossoms between Rahul & Mithra. Due to few rnsituations, All the four had to be part of a kidnap plan. What rnconsequences they faced forms rest of the tale.


Althoughrn Sri Vishnu is the hero, Other Artistes get equal scope to perform in rn'Brochevarevarura'. Sri Vishnu leaves a mark of his own with rnboy-next-door looks and comic timing. Both Priyadarshi and Rahul rnRamakrishna delivered good performances.

The whole story is basedrn on the character of Nivetha Thomas. She did excel in the role of Lady rnwho has serious issues with her Father. Especially, The way she rnperformed in emotional scenes is worth praising.

Sathyadev rnoffered a settled performance. Nivetha Pethuraj is alright. The Actor rnwho has done the role of Heroine's Father performed well. Shivaji Raja, rnJhansi, Ajay Ghosh and Harshavardhan played their roles to perfection. rnBittiri Sathi was under-utilised but his role will change the course of rnthe movie.






First Half-An-Hour

Few Scenes Could Have Been Trimmed


Musicrn Director Vivek Sagar has done a good job, especially delivers his best rnwith Background Score. He, however, didn't impress much with the songs. rnIt would have been nice had if there is a catchy tune for the title rnsong. Camera Work by Sai Sriram guaranteed rich look. Editing by rnRaviteja Girajala is good but slight trimming could have made it look rneven better. Production Values are as per the requirement of the rnsubject.

Director Vivek Athreya narrated a crime comedy in an rnentertaining manner. He succeeded in presenting the Characters and rnTwists so well. Without focussing on the commercial elements, The Young rnFilmmaker delivered an engaging thriller by sticking to the story rnrequirements.


Firstrn things first, Intelligent Screenplay is the USP of 'Brochevarevarura'. rnThe manner in which Director Vivek Athreya maintained the suspense by rnoffering various clues to the viewers is impressive. 'Brochevarevarura' rnhave many sub-plots and they have been inter-connected so well.

Firstrn Half-and-Hour of the film is a bit slow-paced as too much time was rntaken to establish the lead actors. There is good amount of fun in the rncollege-backdrop scenes. Kidnap Drama keeps the viewers engaged from thern Pre-Interval to Climax. Maintaining the right tempo throughout has donern wonders.

Few Cinematic Liberties have been taken by the Directorrn as per his convenience. Interesting Twists & Fun Quotient rnovershadows such short-comings. Love Track of the Lead Pair could have rnbeen handled in a much better way.

Vivek Athreya showed his rnexpertise at keeping the viewers engaged with unique screenplay and rnpresenting the twists in a convincing manner. He deserves praise for rneffectively showcasing how the mistakes committed by R3 Batch costed fewrn people dearly. Overall, 'Brochevarevarura' is a well made crime comedy rnthriller.

Bottom Line: Humour Plus Thrill!

Rating: 3/5

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