As we know, Pawan Kalyan announced a film with Surender Reddy under Ram Talluri's production. The script work is under progress for this film and it is expected to go on floors this year. In the meanwhile, he planned to make a film with Akkineni's young hero Akhil. This project will start as soon as 'Most Eligible Bachelor' releases.
But things took a turn when Pawan decided to turn up the speed. The star hero who has 'Vakeel Saab' ready for release is currently working on 'Ayyappanum Koshiyum' remake. This film is expected to get wrapped up by July or August and Pawan reportedly informed Surender Reddy to be ready to shoot from September. This disrupted the plans of the 'Kick' director as he planned to complete Akhil's project before going ahead with Pawan's film.
We need to wait and see how the 'Sye Raa' director manages to handle this situation. Will he convince Pawan to wait till he completes Akhil's project or will he handle both Pawan and Akhil's projects at same point of time. Only time can tell.
But things took a turn when Pawan decided to turn up the speed. The star hero who has 'Vakeel Saab' ready for release is currently working on 'Ayyappanum Koshiyum' remake. This film is expected to get wrapped up by July or August and Pawan reportedly informed Surender Reddy to be ready to shoot from September. This disrupted the plans of the 'Kick' director as he planned to complete Akhil's project before going ahead with Pawan's film.
We need to wait and see how the 'Sye Raa' director manages to handle this situation. Will he convince Pawan to wait till he completes Akhil's project or will he handle both Pawan and Akhil's projects at same point of time. Only time can tell.