DJ Tillu Hero - First moles on heroine, now is he a womanizer?

Update: 2022-02-13 06:51 GMT
Young actor Siddhu Jonnalagadda's DJ Tillu hit the silver screens on the 12th of February and it is said to have gotten off to a bright start at the box office. The film exceeded box office expectations.

Coming to the topic, Siddhu Joonalagadda is facing highly embarrassing questions from the Telugu media for the past few days. First, a Telugu journalist asked if he actually counted the moles on the heroine's body, much like the way he said in the trailer. Siddhu refrained from answering the question back then.

The other day, Siddhu faced an qually embarrassing question from a Telugu media porta's representative. She asked the young actor if he is a womenizer.

"You flirted very well with the heroine. Are you a womanizer in real life as well? the interviewer asked. Siddhu then asked her to define womanizer and she replied "Womanizer flirts with women and makes them laugh."

Siddhu then shut down the offensive comment in his own style. "I am not a womanizer, I politely approach someone if I like them."

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