Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi is gearing up for the release of his book "The Kiss of Life: How A Superhero and My Son Defeated Cancer". On January 15, 2014, Emraan's four-year-old son Ayaan was diagnosed with first-stage cancer. Emraan Hashmi struggled and fought a difficult cancer battle along with his son Ayaan.
Now the cute kid was completely cured.Imran He penned down the emotional journey of his struggle around Ayaan's cancer treatment in a book and it is slated to release on Thursday.
Emran has shared a photograph of his son Ayaan on social media in which he can be seen donning the costume of fictional American superhero "Iron Man"."Guess who? Yes! Ayaan-Man! 'The Kiss Of Life One day to go," Emraan captioned the image.
Emran is sending out handwritten notes to Bollywood actors along with a copy of the book and all the celebs thanked him for telling his "inspirational" story.
Now the cute kid was completely cured.Imran He penned down the emotional journey of his struggle around Ayaan's cancer treatment in a book and it is slated to release on Thursday.
Emran has shared a photograph of his son Ayaan on social media in which he can be seen donning the costume of fictional American superhero "Iron Man"."Guess who? Yes! Ayaan-Man! 'The Kiss Of Life One day to go," Emraan captioned the image.
Emran is sending out handwritten notes to Bollywood actors along with a copy of the book and all the celebs thanked him for telling his "inspirational" story.