Telugu film industry is always open to new talents. The filmmakers based Hyderabad always show interest in bringing heroines from Mumbai. A lot of heroines from North have made it big after grabbing an opportunity in Tollywood film industry. The North heroines always become the care of address for glamour as well as talent. People who closely follow these North beauties always want them to make debut in Telugu but the film makers run after only few heroines and neglect the others who has glamour, talent and even craze.
Bollywood TV actress Kareeshma Sharma enjoys great craze and her popularity has gone up after being a part of the web series titled Ragini MMS Returns. She is also one of the sensational celebrities on the social media who posts pictures regularly and stay connected with the followers. She is known for posting the semi-nude pictures to treat her followers with glam feast.
Even after doing all kinds of stunts to attract the filmmakers, she is finding it tough to grab the attention of the Tollywood filmmakers.
Bollywood TV actress Kareeshma Sharma enjoys great craze and her popularity has gone up after being a part of the web series titled Ragini MMS Returns. She is also one of the sensational celebrities on the social media who posts pictures regularly and stay connected with the followers. She is known for posting the semi-nude pictures to treat her followers with glam feast.
Even after doing all kinds of stunts to attract the filmmakers, she is finding it tough to grab the attention of the Tollywood filmmakers.