At the trailer launch of 'Saaho', Cast & Crew of the Multi-Lingual Flick interacted with Bollywood Media in Mumbai. Journalists appreciated Prabhas for lending dubbing to his role in the Hindi Version, unlike 'Baahubali' franchise. In response, Prabhas told he can read and write Hindi but wasn't fluent in speaking the language. He claimed to have managed to dub in Hindi for 'Saaho' though it's a bit difficult process.
One after the other, Prabhas was insisted to speak something in Hindi for all his Hindi-speaking Fans. Initially, Rebel Star kept evading the question. As the Journalists weren't ready to skip the query, Our 'Baahubali' Star said: 'Jail Hind'. This reaction hasn't only brought a smile on everyone's face but also made them appreciate with claps.
When quizzed if he and Shraddha Kapoor helped each other in Telugu & Hindi, Prabhas replied, 'I didn't help her..she is too good. But, She helped Me'.
One after the other, Prabhas was insisted to speak something in Hindi for all his Hindi-speaking Fans. Initially, Rebel Star kept evading the question. As the Journalists weren't ready to skip the query, Our 'Baahubali' Star said: 'Jail Hind'. This reaction hasn't only brought a smile on everyone's face but also made them appreciate with claps.
When quizzed if he and Shraddha Kapoor helped each other in Telugu & Hindi, Prabhas replied, 'I didn't help her..she is too good. But, She helped Me'.