Prakash Raj and his wife Pony were blessed with a baby boy in February this year. On Feb 2nd, The Versatile Actor shared the good news and sought the blessings from the people. 'Hi .. Me and pony are happy share with you this moment of joy in our life.. We had a lovely baby boy.. Today .. Bless him. Cheers,' he wrote on his Twitter page.
Finally, Prakash Raj and Pony named their son. This was done on Yesterday (March 26th) which happens to be Prakash's birthday. Again, The actor took to twitter to announce it officially. 'Thank uuu everyone for wishing me. Had a meaningful day . By the way n pony have named our son VEDHANTH. Bless him. Thank u. Cheers,' says PR.
Prakash Raj spent his birthday in Kondareddypalli, the village which he adopted. He even laid foundation stone for school building and other initiatives he has taken up to change the face of the village.
Finally, Prakash Raj and Pony named their son. This was done on Yesterday (March 26th) which happens to be Prakash's birthday. Again, The actor took to twitter to announce it officially. 'Thank uuu everyone for wishing me. Had a meaningful day . By the way n pony have named our son VEDHANTH. Bless him. Thank u. Cheers,' says PR.
Prakash Raj spent his birthday in Kondareddypalli, the village which he adopted. He even laid foundation stone for school building and other initiatives he has taken up to change the face of the village.