Noted director Praveen Sattaru who has made films like LBW and Routine Love Story has blasted film critics of Tollywood. After his latest movie CHandamama Kathalu has won National Award in Best Regional Film category, he came down heavily on critics for writing off the movie without getting a feel of the content.
Review writers are insane these days because they have not ethics to follow while writing a review. On what basis they are rating a movie or criticising a film? Just learning to type doesn't make them to write reviews, said Praveen Sattaru, while interacting with media to share the success of his Chandamama Kathalu at National Level. Jury members of the award might have felt the natural tinge in the flick, which our review-writers failed to get, he asserted.
Review writers are insane these days because they have not ethics to follow while writing a review. On what basis they are rating a movie or criticising a film? Just learning to type doesn't make them to write reviews, said Praveen Sattaru, while interacting with media to share the success of his Chandamama Kathalu at National Level. Jury members of the award might have felt the natural tinge in the flick, which our review-writers failed to get, he asserted.