Renu Desai cares for this Youth

Update: 2016-03-10 06:04 GMT
Renu Desai uses Social Media to share her joy, feelings and views. This time, She choose to throw a light on a youth working at a restaurant.

Posting the picture of the daily labourer, Renu Desai informs that this person with a hungry stomach is cleaning the tiles of an under-construction restaurant at 9.45 PM all alone.

On World Woman's Day, The former actress responded on the brutal gang-rape on Bus and the death of her baby after falling from her lap. She commented this is a stark reality when everyone was wishing Happy Women's Day.

For Shivarathri this year, Renu Desai educated people about the benefits of fasting once every month.    She even shared a video of Sadhguru preaching the prominence of fasting on this festival day.

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