Rajesh Touchriver's award winning film Naa Bangaru Thalli is finding support from several celebrities in the film industry. Samantha, Regina Cassandra and Lavanya Tripathi were invited to a special preview. show of 'Naa Bangaru Talli,' and Samanta is raving about the movie after watching it!
She said that its a heart touching movie and a must watch by everyone. Soon after watching the film, Samantha took to her official page saying: "'Naa Bangaru Talli' is not the typical formula film, which you come to the theatre to get entertained. It is the most important film you will watch this year. I request every family, whether you have a daughter or not to watch the film. Because you must be aware. It is a true story and it is told in a very sweetest way.
This film will educate. I really congratulate the team. They have faced many problems and they are releasing the film with the help of crowdfunding. I've not done a movie like this and I am feeling very ashamed that I am not part of a great team like this. I respect Sunitha Krishnan so much. She is the greatest inspiration in my life. I wish the team of 'Naa Bangaru Talli' all the very best. This film will always be in my heart for a very very long time."
Naa Bangaru Talli which was Inspired from a true story won National Awards for best feature film, best background score and special mention for actress Anjali Patil. Naa Bangaru Thalli narrates the story of a girl, who gets into the whirlpool of human trafficking and how the incident shatters her perfect family.
She said that its a heart touching movie and a must watch by everyone. Soon after watching the film, Samantha took to her official page saying: "'Naa Bangaru Talli' is not the typical formula film, which you come to the theatre to get entertained. It is the most important film you will watch this year. I request every family, whether you have a daughter or not to watch the film. Because you must be aware. It is a true story and it is told in a very sweetest way.
This film will educate. I really congratulate the team. They have faced many problems and they are releasing the film with the help of crowdfunding. I've not done a movie like this and I am feeling very ashamed that I am not part of a great team like this. I respect Sunitha Krishnan so much. She is the greatest inspiration in my life. I wish the team of 'Naa Bangaru Talli' all the very best. This film will always be in my heart for a very very long time."
Naa Bangaru Talli which was Inspired from a true story won National Awards for best feature film, best background score and special mention for actress Anjali Patil. Naa Bangaru Thalli narrates the story of a girl, who gets into the whirlpool of human trafficking and how the incident shatters her perfect family.