Shankar has teamed up with South Indian Super Star Rajinikanth for one more time for the latest film 2.0 which has been in the discussions from a couple of days. The film is going to release on 26th January next year. The post-production works are in full swing and the grand audio launch event is organised in Dubai which is going to happen today.
Usually, the audio events of prestigious films take place during a perfect weekend or on a special dat. But the makers of 2.0 surprised everyone by choosing 27th as the date for the big event. Meanwhile, there is a rumoured story doing rounds in the media regarding the makers chosing today for launching the audio.
Apparently, the film's title is 2.0 which appears twice. This is October (10) month. Re-Arranging the date and month would result in 2017 which is the current year. The makers felt this as a good thing and finalised 27th as the audio launch date. Shankar, who is the star director in India has cooked up this theory is what the rumour tells us. But there are also reports that this is a strategy from the producers. In reality, there are only fewer instances where the makers cook up such theories and most of the times it is the audiences' perception. Anyhow, it is their wish to choose a date for the audio launch and let us enjoy the audio of the film.
Usually, the audio events of prestigious films take place during a perfect weekend or on a special dat. But the makers of 2.0 surprised everyone by choosing 27th as the date for the big event. Meanwhile, there is a rumoured story doing rounds in the media regarding the makers chosing today for launching the audio.
Apparently, the film's title is 2.0 which appears twice. This is October (10) month. Re-Arranging the date and month would result in 2017 which is the current year. The makers felt this as a good thing and finalised 27th as the audio launch date. Shankar, who is the star director in India has cooked up this theory is what the rumour tells us. But there are also reports that this is a strategy from the producers. In reality, there are only fewer instances where the makers cook up such theories and most of the times it is the audiences' perception. Anyhow, it is their wish to choose a date for the audio launch and let us enjoy the audio of the film.