If the Tollywood sources are to be believed, young director Sujith has moved on with his life when Chiranjeevi has backed out from the prestigious remake of Malayalam hit film 'Lucifer' leaving behind the young talent Sujith in jeopardy.
The young filmmaker took a break from work life and is happily married now. The latest news reveals that this ambitious director has approached his mentor production house UV Creations for a film and upon assurance from Vamsi and Pramod, it is said that Sujith started writing script for a film starring either Gopichand or Sharwanand.
It remains to be seen how good Sujith bounces back in the business and let's wait and see who would helm Lucifer remake now!
The young filmmaker took a break from work life and is happily married now. The latest news reveals that this ambitious director has approached his mentor production house UV Creations for a film and upon assurance from Vamsi and Pramod, it is said that Sujith started writing script for a film starring either Gopichand or Sharwanand.
It remains to be seen how good Sujith bounces back in the business and let's wait and see who would helm Lucifer remake now!