There are reports everywhere that director Puri Jagan will team up with Mega hero Varun Tej and Superstar Mahesh after her wraps up his JyothiLakshmi movie. But here is the big shocker, which is directly revealed by young turk Nitin.
Today Nitin said, Happy to announce and share with you all that Im doing my next film with one of my favourite director Puri Jagan sir. Though this news is heard from a time, none have confirmed it. Earlier Puri and Nitin have joined hands for Heart Attack and the movie has performed decently at box office. Last time Puri himself produced the film with Nitin, but we have to see who will produce now.
Today Nitin said, Happy to announce and share with you all that Im doing my next film with one of my favourite director Puri Jagan sir. Though this news is heard from a time, none have confirmed it. Earlier Puri and Nitin have joined hands for Heart Attack and the movie has performed decently at box office. Last time Puri himself produced the film with Nitin, but we have to see who will produce now.