Venky Mama To Get New Script Changes?

Update: 2019-01-31 08:41 GMT
Venky Mama will be named as the script that went for most number of changes during pre-production to satisfy the producers and their requirements.

Mainly, Suresh Babu did not green lit the film until he got the script he likes and he is still particular about two or three sequences that he feels could have bright comedy, it seems.

As F2 became a huge hit, the director and writer, Bobby is also taking good care about the film script and he decided to go for something that tilts towards Venkatesh more than Naga Chaitanya, it seems.

Even though he does want to balance the entire script and runtime, he feels audiences with F2, in mind will come expecting more from Venkatesh and is adding few more mass elements, it seems.

Movie shoot will start in February for sure and will release during Dasara or Diwali mostly, it seems. 

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