Bumper Offer for 100 Farmers of Amaravati

Update: 2017-09-27 06:30 GMT
AP Government decided to send 100 Farmers to Singapore in three batches very soon. Capital Region Development Authority (CRDA) has been making necessary arrangements for these foreign trips.  

Farmers will be travelling to Singapore on October 22nd, November 5th and November 19th. They will get the opportunity to spend 4 to 5 days in the Island Nation. First Batch - October 22nd to 26th, Second Batch - November 5th to 9th, Third Batch - November 19th to 23rd.

CRDA asked Farmers who wish to visit Singapore to submit their applications. This is an opportunity for Farmers to witness various development activities happening in Singapore. Awareness could be spread on how the plots they received through Land Pooling can be developed.

Expenses such as Visa Processing Fee, Flight Tickets and Hotel Accommodation will be taken care by CRDA itself.

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