Though Chandrababu maintains dignity in day to day life, when opportunity there he also pranks and jokes. After HUDHUD cyclone Chandrababu fully busy with Vizag city renovation activities. Every morning Babu releasing press notes on actvities which completed in last 24 hours in addition to what he planned for next twenty four hours. Even he encouraging relief fund donors giving appreciation in presence of media in the same meeting.
Speaking to media he delivered some interesting satirical comments on opposition. He said " incompetent people can only blame, they can do nothing, i suggest them to shut their mouth instead of blaming us. Lazy boy Rahul planned to visit Vizag city on 19th. what he will do by coming here?. City will be fully operational by that day. will he roam in the city as a vacation?". Considering HUDHUD impacts on Vizag city Babu disclosed his future plans. Babu said as,
Vizag renovation will be started soon. we seek public opinion on putting new name for this city. I welcome all the people to share suitable name to the new city.
Some people are saying Vizag city has no future, but i say those are wrong. We faced a crisis, every crisis will have some solution. We will use this experience as a lesson and will develop the city in new way.
Still Vizag is financial capital, in future we will develop it as International city
We are preparing plans for underground electricity line. though this sort of cyclone may not come in future our new plan will be ready to face such.
We will encourage plantation all over the city , taking Singapore as a model for this city.