5-Time TDP MLA's Sensational Allegations

Update: 2017-04-10 10:19 GMT
Gorantla Butchaiah Chowdary rubbished the allegations that he revolted against TDP Leadership, which encouraged defections, only because Cabinet Berth was denied to him. 'In Mahanadu itself, I had only told that alliance with BJP isn't beneficial. I had always cautioned TDP Leadership about the dissatisfaction among cadre over encouraging defections. Why Rajya Sabha Seat was offered for TG Venkatesh? Whether it NTR or Babu, I never hesitated to speak out the facts. I had entered politics with few principles not for earning quick bucks,' he said.

When quizzed does party need the services of a senior like you, Mr.Chowdary claimed he has been serving TDP since the past 35 years in good and bad times. 'I had won as MLA for 5 terms without money power. Happy to serve the people of My Constituency. I don't think everything can be achieved with Ministry,' clarifies the Veteran.

The 5-Time MLA made it clear he is fighting for saving the ideologies of the party and cadre not for any post. He questioned, 'What message TDP Leadership has been sending by inducting YCP MLAs into Cabinet? It's more like a Hung-Assembly now. Defections are ruining the party. I am ready for any sacrifice for the welfare of the cadre'.

Gorantla: 'I had firmly opposed TDP-BJP tie-up. Muslims and Christians in Rayalseema voted for YCP in 2014 because of the same reason. Benefit from alliance with BJP is very less. Two More Mandals has to be included in AP for Polavaram. What about Rail Zone for Visakha? When will we receive benefits of Special Package?'.

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