Court serves mass death sentence to 2008 serial blasts convicts

Update: 2022-02-18 08:12 GMT
In a rare instant, a court had slapped death sentence to more than 35 convicts with death sentence in connection with a bomb blast case that traces back to over a decade long. No such mass death sentences were issued by any court in the recent past.

Hearing a petition on the serial blast case in Gujarat's Ahmedabad, a special court had issued directives announcing death penalty to 38 convicts, while life sentence was served to 11 other convicts.

The shocking serial blast case traces back to 2008 in which multiple blasts were planned by the convicts claiming more than 50 lives. On the horrific day, Ahmedabad reported a series of blasts in a span of one hour in the city.

The much-talked-about case has been going on since then and recently as many as 77 accused were presented before the court. After going through the pieces of evidence that were produced, the court had declared 49 members as convicts and let others go as no evidence was found to hold them responsible. The court heard the petition earlier this month.

Days after zeroing on the convicts, the special court had slapped the accused with the death sentence, while a few others were slapped with life sentences. The verdict was given as per the provisions of UAPA and IPC 302.

The serial blasts were planned in a way that crowded places witnessed blasts leaving the people in a state of panic and fear. More than 200 people sustained serious injuries and were rushed to nearby hospitals.

It was a black day for Ahmedabad as far as the serial blasts were concerned. Close to two dozen bombs were blasted at various locations.

The victims who still suffer the trauma with the serial blasts were served justice in a way with the court verdict.

After the blasts happened, a question of who planned the serial blasts popped up in everyone's mind. To clear this, a terror organization had released a letter saying that it was behind the same and it takes the responsibility of the serial blasts. Weeks after the blasts, Islamic terror group, Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami, said it was the conspirator.

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