How Simha Yazi baffled the intel sleuths?

Update: 2022-10-28 06:02 GMT
How Simha Yazi baffled the intel sleuths?
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Little-known Simha Yazi is now in the news for all the wrong reasons. Simha Yazi was arrested in connection with the TRS' Operation Farmhouse,' where the party tried to implicate BJP and charge it with trying to lure TRS leaders into the party. Yazi is accused of being a BJP-pointsman in the whole episode.

However, the police did not know much about Yazi. They  searched in all the Mathams of Tirupati and its vicinities and drew a blank. It was only after a day or two that his house could be located. He is a resident of Tiruchanur and is not so well known in his own lane. It was later revealed that he was the astrological advisor to MLA Rohit Reddy.

It also emerged that he used to regularly visit the MLA's residence in Tandur and Hyderabad to perform special poojas. But the intel sources which have focused on Yazi's activities have revealed that he was not connected to the BJP at all. Thus, the whole story that he is BJP's pointsman to lure the TRS MLAs flies in the face of the facts.

Enquiries revealed that Yazi has no links whatsoever with the BJP at any level. Now the intel sleuths are trying to fix the other seer, identified as Ramachandra Bharati, in the case. They are said to be examining if the seer has any links to the BJP that could stand the test of the law in the courts. Another person involved in the case too is said to be close to the TRS establishment.

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