Indian IT problems start in America!

Update: 2013-06-26 16:23 GMT
As per our analysis America get ready to put check to Indian IT Companies. They didn’t consider the Indian IT Companies considerations and concerns. America senate gave approval to the bill for regulation of Indian IT professionals with strict conditions. In senate 67 votes in favor to bill and only 27 votes opposing the bill. So this bill house of representatives goes forward. Later America president Barack Obama will approve that. All this is just for formality.

In this bill increasing the number of H1B visa’s they put check to Indian IT professionals and IT Companies. This bill controls the chances of IT professionals to come to America from India. In case if the number is out of range then they have to pay large amount of fine to America. Not only that every year there should be decrease in foreign professionals and by 2016 it should decrease 50 percent. The officers group is telling that to control the unemployment rate in their country they took this decision.

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