Indian Railways Offers 50 Percent Concession On Tickets

Update: 2019-12-20 09:11 GMT
Indian Railways has decided to grant 50 per cent concession for the youth participating in the 'Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat' programme.

Ministry of Railways said in a statement that the concession will be given in basic fares of Second and Sleeper Class to youths with earnings of not more than five thousand rupees per month for travelling from one State to another State to take part in the programme. This concession has been granted as a special case and it is admissible only in the normal train services and not for booking of Special Trains/Coaches.

The concessional return journey tickets may also be issued on payment of one single journey fares to persons travelling more than 300 kilometres from the journey commencing station to the station serving the place of the Festival.

the concession will be provided on production of requisite certificate in the prescribed railway format from the Secretary of concerned Department of Human Resource Development of various states.


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