Trump Eyes In EAD, Indians Tensed

Update: 2018-05-22 06:36 GMT
President Donald Trump's America First policy has become a nightmare to the migrants from other counties especially the IT employees hailing from India.  Trump is taking several policy decisions which will make way for creating more jobs for Americans and at the same time, these policies will make the lives of migrated population miserable.  The latest move of Trump is tightening the rules of Employment Authorisation Document(EAD) which was issued by USCIS.  Several IT employees in the US will be affected by these policy changes.  Many of them are trying to return to India, some of them are planning to migrate to European countries.   Top technology companies are facing troubles with this policy and they are planning to move their companies to other countries.

What Is EAD?:

United States Citizenship & Immigration Services(USCIS) issues Employment Authorisation Document(EAD) so that the spouses of H-1B holders can to temporary jobs.  As Trump announced that he is going to cancel EAD, Indians who are doing jobs with EAD are worried.

Migrations From USA With EAD Cancellation:

The foreigners who are doing IT jobs in California have to pay 34% taxes to the government. So, they have to pay one-third of their earnings to the government.  That's the reason why the spouses of H-1B holders are doing jobs with the help of EAD to share the financial burden.  If Trump administration cancels EAD, the spouses of H-1B holders will not be allowed to work in the USA.  As survival with single income is very difficult, a huge number of IT employees are planning to migrate to European countries. Some of them are planning to move to Canada.  Some of them are planning to return India to float start-up companies.  If the IT employees move out of the US, the tech companies will face a shortage of skilled workforce.  So, they are are opposing Trump's move and they are looking at other options like moving their offices to other countries.

Who will benefit from EAD cancellation?

The IT employees from the other countries will be severely affected by this policy.  They have to look at other countries rather than America. Trump administration is thinking that they can replace foreign IT employees with native Americans but the problem is they are are not well qualified. So, companies are finding it tough to train them.  The reports say that they are unable to handle the pressure like Indians and leaving the jobs in six months.  This is having an adverse impact on American IT companies because they are not allowing the foreign skilled workers for these jobs and native Americans are unable to cope up the pressure.  This will indirectly decrease in Taxes to the government as well.  No one is benefiting from the new proposal of Trump.

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