JP Faults EC Over AP IPS Officers Transfer

Update: 2019-03-29 07:45 GMT
Ahead of the elections, Political Parties complain to the Election Commission against each other for having an upper hand. EC will take a decision on such complaints upon considering various aspects.

Based on the complaint registered by YCP, Chief Electoral Officer transferred three IPS Officers in Andhra Pradesh. This decision stirred a huge controversy as no inquiry is being conducted so far to identify any flaws but action has been taken based on the complaint.

Lok Satta chief Jayaprakash Narayan found fault with Election Commission for transferring the IPS Officers without either independent inquiry or seeking a clarification from them over the complaint of YCP. He questioned, 'How could EC transfer IPS Officers without even consulting AP Chief Secretary and DGP? Such One-Sided Decisions are unacceptable. At least now, The mistake has to be rectified'.

JP felt the need to follow the model of developed nations for voter registration. He told there are too many flaws in the voter list particularly in the urban areas.

Lok Satta Supremo recalls 1977 Elections which were conducted in just 3 days and it paved way for the Janata Government. He fails to understand why EC has been prolonging 2019 Elections for 7 phases. He questions what is the need to wait till May 23rd for election results when elections are conducted on April 11th in AP?


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