Women and Child Development Minister Maneka Gandhi has stoked a fresh controversy. Ms Gandhi while interacting with her followers declared that "all violence is male-generated".Replying to questions of one of her followers Maneka Gandhi said that the role of men in gender sensitisation was critical since "all the violence is male-generated".
In a long chat session Gandhi was asked many questions on children's education, health and safety, crimes against women and many others.She also explained about his ministry's initiative '#100Women' which was launched in July.
"Men's role is the most critical since all the violence is male-generated. One of the best ways to tackle this is at the school stage so we have introduced (the concept of) 'Gender Champions' in schools. Under this initiative boys who have been respectful and helpful to girls will be rewarded" Gandhi said
Gandhi's comments turned controversial and many of her male followers objected. They cited the headline-making case of Indrani Mukerjea, the former media executive accused of killing her daughter.
In a long chat session Gandhi was asked many questions on children's education, health and safety, crimes against women and many others.She also explained about his ministry's initiative '#100Women' which was launched in July.
"Men's role is the most critical since all the violence is male-generated. One of the best ways to tackle this is at the school stage so we have introduced (the concept of) 'Gender Champions' in schools. Under this initiative boys who have been respectful and helpful to girls will be rewarded" Gandhi said
Gandhi's comments turned controversial and many of her male followers objected. They cited the headline-making case of Indrani Mukerjea, the former media executive accused of killing her daughter.