What Miss World Asked Virat Kohli?

Update: 2017-12-02 04:33 GMT
Miss World 2017 Manushi Chillar posed a question to Indian cricket skipper Virat Kohli at an awards ceremony in New Delhi.

Maintaining that he is one of the best batsman in the World Today, Manushi Chillar questioned: 'A lot of young people draw inspiration from you. How would you like to give back for children?'.

Virat Kohli opined what's very important is expressing yourself on the field in a genuine manner and it has to be from the heart. He told people can't connect with you if they find you are trying to pretend. 'Never tried to be anyone else. I have always been myself. People might have lot of issues with how I conduct myself but they hardly affect Me. One should never lose their identity, character and personality. If you try to be someone's else, you could never succeed and never inspire others. What we can do is work hard and be honest with ourselves,' he said.

During the event, Virat Kohli presented Special Achievement Award to Manushi Chillar. 

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