Ahead of the release of 'Ae Dil Hai Mushkil', Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh gave a clear assurance to its Producer-cum-Director Kajan Johar about its release with 100 percent police protection to prevent any untoward incidents.
After the delegation led by Filmmaker Mukesh Bhatt met him, Home Minister told them that he will be speak to all the Chief Ministers to make sure there is no violence. Post the meeting, Mukesh Bhatt comments he is now a relaxed person and it should be a happy Diwali for everyone.
Union Minister Babul Supriyo who accompanied the Filmmakers Delegation breathed fire at MNS for targeting Film Industry. He made it clear that MNS have no right to take law into their hands.
Earlier, MNS threatened to vandalize the theatres that screen 'Ae Dil Hai Mushkil' which stars Pak actor Fawad Khan. This Karan Johar flick releases on October 28th, 2016.
After the delegation led by Filmmaker Mukesh Bhatt met him, Home Minister told them that he will be speak to all the Chief Ministers to make sure there is no violence. Post the meeting, Mukesh Bhatt comments he is now a relaxed person and it should be a happy Diwali for everyone.
Union Minister Babul Supriyo who accompanied the Filmmakers Delegation breathed fire at MNS for targeting Film Industry. He made it clear that MNS have no right to take law into their hands.
Earlier, MNS threatened to vandalize the theatres that screen 'Ae Dil Hai Mushkil' which stars Pak actor Fawad Khan. This Karan Johar flick releases on October 28th, 2016.