If Ajmal Kasab can, Why not Yakub Menon?

Update: 2015-10-02 09:17 GMT
If Ajmal Kasab can, Why not Yakub Menon?
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Maharashtra Government declined to disclose any information regarding the expenses incurred on Yakub Menon on grounds of National Security.

Anil Galgali, an RTI Activist, sought details about the expenses incurred on Yakub Menon since his arrest in April 1994 till the date he was hanged (July 30th, 2015). The BJP-led Government feels revealing such info could affect the sovereignty, unity and security of the country. Maharashtra Home Department's Principal Information Officer clarifies the information sought by the activist has been declined under the RTI Act's clause 8(1-c).

Now, Anil Galgali filed an appeal citing previous Government led by Congress has provided information about expenditure on Ajmal Kasab in 2012. He alleges the situation reflects how things changed with shift of power from Manmohan Singh to Narendra Modi. He also points out how the tax payer's money is being spent on a traitor and lack of transparency of NDA Government.

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