RSS Boss Bhagwat Joins Twitter

Update: 2019-07-01 07:39 GMT
RSS Boss Bhagwat Joins Twitter
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In a very significant event, indicating the winds of change within the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, several of its top leaders, including its Sarsanghchalak (chief) Mohan Bhagwat, have joined the Twitter. Top leaders like national secretary general Suresh Joshi, Suresh Soni, Krishna Gopal, V Bhagaiah, Arun Kumar and Anirudh Deshpande have got their Twitter accounts veried. While Krishna Gopal is the link man between the RSS and the BJP, Arun Kumar is the pointsman for JK affairs and the outreach programmes of the RSS. V Bhagaiah is from Andhra Pradesh and is incharge of the South Indian affairs.

Till now, only joint general secretary Datta Hosabale was on the Twitter. He is quite active on Twitter and communicates with the cadre using social media. Hosabale is from Karnataka and has been the organising secretary of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad for a long period.

RSS has an official Twitter handle and it has over a million followers. RSS is one of the fastest growing organisations in the country with over one crore members. Two prime ministers – Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Narendra Modi and one deputy prime minister – LK Advani – are RSS members.

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