This Ex-mp Is Using Etela Episode To His Advantage

Update: 2021-06-02 07:44 GMT
In the whole of the Etela Rajender episode, one leader is emerging as the lynchpin. He is seen planning meetings of Etela with Central BJP leaders. He is also seen hosting Etela in Delhi. He was present when Etela met JP Nadda. He is seen as central to the BJP's next moves in Telangana.

The leader in question is former MP Gaddam Vivek Venkata Swamy. In fact he was the one who facilitated Etela's meeting with Union Minister Kishan Reddy and later JP Nadda. He not only accompanied Etela to Delhi, but also hosted him in his Delhi guesthouse. When Etela actually met JP Nadda, Vivek was by Etela's side.

Sources say Vivek has a long term strategy. He was promised a nominated post equivalent to cabinet rank when he joined the BJP. Though it has been two years, the promise has not been fulfilled. It is being rumoured that he is now befriending Union Minister Kishan Reddy and wants to get an approach to the BJP's national leadership. So, he is said to be using the Etela episode to get closer to the BJP national leadership.

Interestingly, for the last two years, he was very friendly with new president Bandi Sanjay. However, of late, it is becoming increasingly clear that he is moving away from Bandi Sanjay. In the whole of the Etela episode, his closeness to Kishan Reddy was all too visible.

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