Few days ago, a twitter account @maiamkhassan claiming to be that of Kamal Haasan has become the talk of the Industry. Within minutes, many celebs have expressed their happiness over legendary actor's entry to twitter world, only to realize that they made fool of themselves in the end. It was only after Kamal's PRO clarification that the actor wasn't on twitter, everyone came to know it's a fake account.
Rajamouli tweeted: "A warm welcome to ulaganayagan @maiamkhassan to the crazy world of twitter !!!! Wonderful to have you here sir..".
Nani tweeted: "Welcome to the twitter world kamal sir @maiamkhassan. It's going to be a great learning experience for all of us now."
Khushbu posted: "A hearty welcome to @maiamkhassan to the beautiful warm n mad world of twitter..Sir nice to have u here... Nakhat."
Kamal's PRO informed that action would be taken against the fraudster for trying to use Kamal's name and also for cheating his admirers all over the globe. The fake guy has disabled the account as soon as Kamal's team addressed the media.
Rajamouli tweeted: "A warm welcome to ulaganayagan @maiamkhassan to the crazy world of twitter !!!! Wonderful to have you here sir..".
Nani tweeted: "Welcome to the twitter world kamal sir @maiamkhassan. It's going to be a great learning experience for all of us now."
Khushbu posted: "A hearty welcome to @maiamkhassan to the beautiful warm n mad world of twitter..Sir nice to have u here... Nakhat."
Kamal's PRO informed that action would be taken against the fraudster for trying to use Kamal's name and also for cheating his admirers all over the globe. The fake guy has disabled the account as soon as Kamal's team addressed the media.