To recover from the losses, UK plans to impose a tax on profited firms!

Update: 2021-02-09 11:43 GMT
Britain is one of the severely hit nations with Coronavirus. The emergence of a new strain of pandemic made things worse for the nation. To curb the infections, the government has imposed another strict lockdown across the nation.

The series of events like nationwide lockdown and patients rushing to the hospitals have resulted in an extra burden on the national economy.

Following this, the government is reportedly looking at imposing taxes on retailers and tech companies which registered high profits despite the Covid-19 outbreak.

Media reports claimed that the UK government has summoned the leading retailers and tech firms in the nation to come for a meeting, which was chaired to discuss the online sales during the pandemic period.

On the other hand, UK Finance Minister Rishi Sunak has reportedly promised that he will focus on public finances, once the national economy starts recovering.

The data collected by a public firm has found out that, the amount of public finances has risen to a whopping $370 billion since the starting of the financial year.

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