TRS Keeping An Eye On Ayodhya Fund Collection Drive

Update: 2021-01-23 02:23 GMT
The ruling TRS in Telangana is closely monitoring the massive fund raising campaign that the BJP, RSS and VHP have organized in the state for the construction of a temple at Ayodhya. The reports, sources said suggest that the response has been massive and that the people are coming forward to donate for and support the cause. Over one and a half lakh workers are going from door-to-doorfor the campaign.

The TRS is also said to be worried about this massive drive as this is the biggest yet non-election public campaign, where every family is being contacted. The TRS feels that the BjP could use this massive public outreach for its advantage in the elections. The TRS leadership is also seeking intel reports from the ground level about the campaign. Similarly, the party is also closely monitoring the impact of the campaign at the grassroots level, especially on the village level TRS workers. Many sarpanches and ward members at the ground level are being contacted by the BJP-RSS-VHP activists and reports suggest that the TRS workers are enthusiastically participating in the fund raiser.

The TRS is in a fix. It can neither support nor oppose the fund collection. Those who fail to support the fund collection will risk losing public support. So, at the ground level, even MLAs and municipal chairpersons belonging to the party are not just donating handsomely, but are also working in close cooperation with the BJP workers. This might help the BJP in luring these leaders into the party, the TRS feels.

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