University bans sex between professors and students

Update: 2015-02-06 15:25 GMT
One of the most prestigious universities in the world Harvard University came up with a surprising and stunning decision. The university has officially moved to ban sex and romantic relationships between students and their teachers.This change has come to force after the school examined its rules and did a federal review.As per the new rules relationships between undergraduates and faculty members are prohibited.

The university also imposed a rule to keep away graduates from undergraduates. As per the new rule Graduate students are prohibited from relationships with undergraduates only “if the graduate student is in a position to grade, evaluate, or supervise the undergraduate”.

The university has  2,400 faculty members and about 6,700 undergraduate students. Previously, its policy only cautioned against relationships with undergraduate students.The policy now specifically bans professors and undergraduates from having any romantic or sexual involvements.

Harvard is not the first to implement this rule.Earlier Yale University banned student-faculty relationships in 2010 and  the University of Connecticut follows the same which banned them in 2013 and Arizona State University also followed their path.

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