US President Consolidating His Vote Bank Among Indian-Americans?

Update: 2022-08-24 13:07 GMT
The Presidential elections in the United States were intense and both candidates had a tug of war. But Joe Biden emerged victorious by crushing Donald Trump with the Indian-Americans supporting him. He made massive promises like easing visa norms and others. He assured that he will give a good representation to the Indian community.

Without forgetting his election promise Joe Biden has appointed more than 130 Indian-Americans in his administration. Not just the appointments, they were given key posts reportedly. This is the first time Indians were given such good importance.

This makes Joe Biden the American President who gave the best representation to the Indian community. Previous Presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama gave key positions to over 80 and over 60 Indian-Americans during their tenure in office.

Joe Biden shares a good connection with the Indian community for a long time. During the polls, he announced Kamala Harris as the Vice President candidate and she also won the polls.

Even his Cabinet has Indian-origin members in key posts. The US House of Representatives has four Indian-Americans holding key positions. This shows how much importance the President gives to the Indian community.

It looks like Joe Biden has understood the importance Indian voters have. Moreover, few Indians are holding big positions in multinational companies and he cannot ignore them. Going by his actions it appears like Joe Biden is consolidating his vote bank among Indians.

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